Sharing research findings
- Approved data applications should lead to the publication of CFRI data in a peer-reviewed journal(s). Submission to a peer-reviewed journal should be aimed for within 2-3 years upon receipt of the data. If this is not possible, the approved data application should result in the publication of an abstract.
- The CFRI should be acknowledged for the release and use of the data in any oral presentation, publication etc., of the data, with the text: “We would like to thank the Cystic Fibrosis Registry of Ireland for providing access to patient data, the individual CF centres for allowing the use of data, the parents/guardians of children, and adults with CF participating in the registry.”
Where CFRI provide statistical services, the contribution of the CFRI statistician should be reflected in manuscript authorship listings, as per journal manuscript authorship criteria.
- Prior to submission of manuscripts, abstracts or posters, a final draft should be sent to for review by the Scientific Committee. A review period of 20 days is required for manuscripts, and 10 working days for abstracts/posters. This is to ensure verification that the interpretation and conclusions of the authors are accurate and consistent with the scientific objectives initially stated in the proposal.
- A copy of any publication (also report, abstract, article, programme, essay, dissertation etc.) resulting from use of CFRI data must be forwarded to the, on notice of the acceptance by the journal or scientific organization, together with the details of the publication.
Should any intellectual property rights arise from the use of the data, the CFRI should be informed. The applicant and CFRI will be required to enter into separate agreement on patents, copyright, disclosure and sharing of financial returns.