Use of data

Terms & conditions of data use by data applicants

In the event that the application is approved, the applicant agrees to use the CFRI data in accordance with the terms and conditions of the following agreement:

  1. Data shall be obtained and used only for the purpose(s) specified by the applicant, and shall not be processed in any manner incompatible with that purpose(s).
  2. Data requested shall be adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purpose for which they are processed.
  3. Data processed for any purpose(s) shall not be kept for longer than necessary for that purpose(s).  Upon the completion of data analyses, you must destroy the original and any duplicate data files and notify the CFRI of the same.
  4. The data applicant ensures that the data are stored in a secure manner and (s)he abides by the requirements to ensure confidentiality of the data. Data must be kept secure from any potential abuse.
  5. Appropriate technical and organisational measures must be taken against unauthorised or unlawful data processing and against accidental data loss, destruction, or damage.
  6. Data transfer onto a portable device such as a laptop, USB stick, CD or disk must ensure that the data is encrypted, so that data remain safe, even if the portable device is lost or stolen.
  7. The data applicant ensures that data shall not be transmitted to another party or legal or natural person without the CFRI’s permission.
  8. The data applicant is liable for any damage-causing events (e.g. loss of data), transfer to other persons/parties/ companies etc.
  9. The CFRI reserves the right – without prior notification – to retract its permission for data use. Additionally, the CFRI reserves the right to take legal action against the data applicant for compensation in case of inappropriate use of data or in case of a data procession in any manner incompatible with the purpose(s), including their right to penal actions.

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